Table of Contents

The Temple: Its Ministry and Services
Alfred Edersheim

Chapter 17
Post-Mosaic Festivals

Post-Mosaic Festivals --Object of these feasts
The Feast of Purim --The feast of Purim--Its origin and time--Was it ever attended by the Lord?
Ceremonies of the Feast --Services on the Feast of Purim--When and how the Megillah was read--Modern ceremonials
The Feast of the Dedication of the Temple
The Origin of this Festival --Its origin and duration--The 'Hallel' sung on each day of its duration; the people carried palm branches, and there was a grand illumination of the Temple and of private houses--Suggestion that the date of Christmas was taken from this feast--Practice as to the illumination
The Feast of Wood-offering --The Feast of the Wood-offering on the last of the nine seasons of the year, when such offerings were brought in the Temple--Rabbinical accounts of its origin
The Wood Used in the Festivals --Maidens dance in the vineyards on the afternoon of that day
Fasts/The Four Great Fasts --Fasts, public and private--Memorial fasts--The four great fasts mentioned in Zechariah 8
Other Fasts --Mode of observing public fasts.